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If you completed your beginner plus Hebrew course, and still feel like you have a lot to learn, then this course was made for you!

In this class you'll build on your foundations of beginner and beginner plus level Hebrew courses. You'll learn the future tense, complex prepositions and continue to expand your speaking, reading and writing skills.


But of course, this is still NOT an Ulpan, so we'll make sure this intermediate Hebrew course is not only about grammar:

The anarchist Hebrew Lab is a space for students to build and learn together the Hebrew knowledge they aim to have and practice it on their context. So for this case students will be those proposing topics and social thematics to design the curriculum together with the teacher through a participatory based approach- completely adapted to their needs, motivations and passions.

Students will also assess and design ways of evaluation, if relevant. So If you're crazy about playing with language and free associations: this is the right course for you.


We only know how this course is going to start, but we have no idea how it's going to finish- you the students are going to to make those decisions.

The Anarchist Hebrew Lab

October 27 - January 2 | 10 weeks | Wednesday | 18:00- 21:15 | 40 hours | 1400 NIS 

How we teach...

The goal of our classes is to equip you with the tools to handle everyday life in Hebrew or Arabic. This also includes leaving the classroom sometimes to go to the Shuk together or tour through Tel Aviv- Yafo. Thanks to a variety of activities (games, singing, movement, or cooking), our classes are extra interactive and engaging, designed to encourage our students to start speaking from the first class onwards. This way, we build your confidence in the classroom to engage with your surroundings in Hebrew or Arabic outside of the classroom. 


Meet the Teacher

Meet the teachers

Yalla- come join us!

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