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In this Arabic course for Beginners, you will  build a solid understanding of the Arabic language, practice relevant vocabulary for daily life interactions and gain deeper knowledge of Palestinian society, culture and politics along the way.


This course is a conversational course, so you won't be studying Arabic reading and writing (ten weeks of classes are simply not enough to teach that, too). We'll use Arabisi, the English transliteration of Arabic that works with numbers for certain sounds that don't exist in the English alphabet. And as for speaking: you'll learn the Palestinian dialect (Amia) so you'll be ready to go ahead and engage with your surroundings in Arabic! Our classes are based on the principle of immersion, meaning we'll stick to Arabic in class as much as possible- but if we need to explain in a different language, our go-to-language is English to accommodate the diversity of backgrounds among our students. 

Come and have an open dialogue with your peers in Arabic, and try to find a new heartfelt understanding of Palestinian society.

Ahalan Arabic

October 27 - January 2 | 10 weeks | Mondays | 18:00- 21:15 | 40 hours | 1400 NIS 

How we teach...

The goal of our classes is to equip you with the tools to handle everyday life in Hebrew or Arabic. This also includes leaving the classroom sometimes to go to the Shuk together or tour through Tel Aviv- Yafo. Thanks to a variety of activities (games, singing, movement, or cooking), our classes are extra interactive and engaging, designed to encourage our students to start speaking from the first class onwards. This way, we build your confidence in the classroom to engage with your surroundings in Hebrew or Arabic outside of the classroom. 


Meet the Teacher

Meet the teachers

Yalla- come join us!

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